Please sign the petition for Harlow Welfare Rights & Adviceþ
Posted By: Alan
Date: 17 Mar 2009 at 23:49
As you may know the Harlow Advice Centre is in grave danger of closing.
There was a High Court judgement made last Monday that this should not happen - for various legal reasons the Council had not fulfilled its obligations and a legal judgement was made to force Harlow Council to "think
It seems that Harlow Council are still "dragging their heels" over the continuation of the service - they may think if they procrastinate long enough the closure of the Centre will be a "done deed".
As Friends of Harlow Welfare Rights & Advice we are determined to keep this essential service open and as much in its present format as possible. We have decided to create a National petition on the Number 10 web site to step up the pressure. But we need your help - urgently!
We need you to go to this web site (link given below) and sign this petition! Please do it today - or at the latest tomorrow! The petition only last until 31st March 2009 - this is because without urgent action the service will be gone - a long lead time will be useless!
First thing - 200 petitioners are needed for the Prime Minister to consider the petition. As you probably know we had 7,000+ "hard copy" signatures on the Town Centre petition - so we do not really want any less than this!
Click on the link to get started. If the link does not work (it has been tested but who knows!) then please go to the Number 10 web site (in google put in - Number 10 petition), when there in search petitions put in
Click on the Harlow petition and follow the instructions. Be sure to click on the email that comes back to you to actually register your "signature".
Then please circulate this appeal to everyone in Harlow that you can think of. People outside of Harlow are not excluded from signing - but the more Harlow residents we get the better.
Remember we have until the 31st March 2009 to register our opposition to this cut back, timely action is ssential.
Thanking you all in anticipation. Sorry if this appeal comes to you 2 or more times.
Cliff Moore
40 Bishopsfield
Essex CM18 6UJ
0203 2394 090 Landline
07717534025 Mobile